Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

Sometimes things turn up when you least expect them to, and in this case it was a 4 x 6 inch black-and-white photograph found on eBay that triggered the notion that I had forgotten to call my girlfriend. That photograph that turned up on eBay is here too, a reprint. The woman looks oddly like Margaret Nolan aka Vicky Kennedy, but it could easily be someone else. Still, fun fact.
On-Call Wife
Andrew Shaw
Nightstand Books NB1835, 1965.
4 x 6" photo reprint of image
likely  for use in illustrating
 "On-Call Wife" by Andrew Shaw

Lawrence Block, that perennial name in modern literature, who seems to pump a book out every so often (more than not), wrote his share of sleaze and it's been confirmed he wrote as "Andrew Shaw" on occasion. Witness "On-Call Wife" by Shaw (this being one of the unconfirmed Block-Shaw titles, artist unknown): what looks like a kinky tryst into wife-swapping, and "buttocks" is about the risque-est term in the tome. Can you believe they actually banned this stuff?

*images scanned from items in the author's collection

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